
PixolorPixolor is a circle floating over your apps showing a zoomed view of the underlying pixels, including color information and coordinates of the central pixel.

A floating tool that could grab pixel-specific color values from your screen without the need for screenshots or any other complication.

You can hide or show the picker, zoom with it, and drag it around to get the hex value for the exact color you see on screen. It will also provide the nearest color from the material design palette and – inside the app – an entire palette based on that color. It’s as easy as that.

  • Get color (RGB) of any pixel on your screen
  • Instantly see nearest Material Design color
  • Shows coordinates of pixel
  • While dragging, see relative coordinates for size calculations
  • Pinch-to-zoom
  • Fine panning using two fingers (thereafter, free to release a finger)
  • Hue Wheel color picker
  • Generate color palette from latest screenshot or latest circular zoomed section

Your iPhone friends will be jealous when they realize this technology is not possible on iOS 🙂 And while it is available to Android users, free of charge via Google play store. Though, the app requires Android 5.0 or higher.

Note: this app shows ads after an initial ad-free period. You have the option to disable ads by making a small one-time in-app payment.


Pixolor screnshot 1Pixolor screenshot 2

User reviews: Pixolor app has been received positively on the Android platform. Currently, its average rating is 4.9 /5 star on Google play store.

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